
Affiliates (2)

Questions about our affiliate program

Billing (14)

Billing questions - New Account creation questions

DirectAdmin: General Tech Support (15)

General Tech Support questions

Domain Names (11)

Questions about domain name registrations / renewals

Easy Anti Spam (6)

Free AntiSpam service from HostPC ... 99.9% effective, 100% free!


 Accessing emails sent to you via WHMCS billing

You can login to the billing system and access every email the WHMCS system has ever sent you...

 Recurring billing from old billing system

Recurring billing from the old billing system will be carried over automatically, however...

 How do I sign up for Free EasyAntiSpam?

Visit this link for all the details and to enable your account: http://hostpc.com/easrequest.php

 ASP / .NET support

HostPC does not provide ASP or .NET support on any of our servers.

 I can't get my script to work ...

HostPC can not assist you with script debugging, installation or troubleshooting. We provide...

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